Play Reel
Play Reel

Special Education

Mr. Epperson

Special Education Director

Mr. Paradis

Special Education Teacher

Ms. Coombs

Success Coach & Paraeducator

Ms. Wilkins

Success Coach & Paraeducator


School Districts and Charter Schools are required by Utah Law, 53A1a-704(10), to inform parents of students with IEPs enrolled in public schools, of the availability of a scholarship to attend a private school through the Carson Smith Scholarship Program. Please visit this website for more information including application forms regarding the CSS Program.

Please click HERE to access the Special Education Rights of Parents and Students Procedural Safeguards notice from the Utah State Board od Education.

If you were born in 2002 or earlier and received special education services at Career Path High School, your IEP documents will be shredded on June 1, 2025. If you would like to keep any of these documents for your own records, please contact Josh Epperson prior to the June deadline.