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Getting Smart – February 25, 2015

GenDIY Profile: Career Path High School

“It’s the first Monday of the month and at Career Path High (CPH) in Kaysville, UT, that means it’s Student Career Series day. This month’s career exploration finds the students visiting the Plumbing Program where, after receiving an overview of the program’s required coursework, training, job outlook, and potential earning power, students experience a hands-on demonstration by the department’s lead instructor. Today they learned that the average starting salary for a trained plumber ranges from $12.00 to $31.01/hr.”

Getting Smart – November 7, 2014

100 Schools Worth Visiting

“61. Credit Check. Career Path High, north of Salt Lake, is a flex high school located at a technical college. Students leave high school with a job certificate and college credit. "

Getting Smart – August 19, 2013

Smart List: 10 Innovative High Schools, 10 Deeper Learning Networks

“This month Getting Smart is acknowledging people and organizations making a difference with a series of back to school top 10 lists. “

Salt Lake Tribune – July 9, 2013

Utah's new Career Path High: Diploma plus vocational training

“Career Path High is the type of charter school that can meet a real need — the type of school Utah taxpayers can support.”

Standard Examiner – July 9, 2013

High School Students Learn About Careers In Dentistry

“Career Path High allows juniors and seniors to take DATC classes at a reduced cost. Milann hopes to have her dental assisting certificate before she has her high school diploma. Turnbow said jobs await.“We have 98 percent placement,” she said. “We have dentists waiting in line for our students.”

Salt Lake Tribune – July 6, 2013

Utah’s New Career Path High: Diploma Plus Vocational Training

“For northern Utah students at a recent orientation for Career Path High, the nontraditional approach is worth a try. The school is “unique in the nation in being a charter school inside an applied technology college,” said Bagley, founding board chairwoman at Career Path High.”

Education Week – June 26, 2013

How to Create a Blended High School

“Schools serving students connected to technical training, like Career Path High, should use a flex model to optimize personalization, schedule and location flexibility, and pathway options.”

Getting Smart – June 21, 2013

Career Path High: Career & College Ready Flex

“Career Path High will offer students a chance to earn a high school diploma and technical certificate–graduates will probably have job offers and be prepared for further education.”