Davis Tech Enrollment
As a Career Path High student, 11th and 12th graders are required to be enrolled in a Career and Technical Program through Davis Tech. Your Davis Tech Program is the mechanism for how you earn your CTE and elective credits required by the State of Utah for a high school diploma. Therefore, it is not optional to be in a program, it is mandatory and constitutes a portion of your necessary high school credits. While all high school students must earn one CTE credit and five and a half elective credits, as a student at Career Path High you have the benefit of earning those credits simultaneously while earning a college Career & Technical Certification!
- Credits earned satisfy 1.0 required CTE credit and 5.5 required Elective credits.
- 30 hours = .25 credit (30 Progress hours in a Davis Tech Program transfer to .25 high school credit)
- Average Program is 900-1200 hrs. (Ex. 900 Davis Tech Progress hours = 7.5 high school credits)
- Additional credits may be earned/satisfied through Davis Tech courses/hours as accepted and approved by Career Path High Administration.